Starting a new journal – Launching a Journal

Starting a new scholarly journal can be a complex process.  Many decisions have to be made before accepting submissions and publishing the first issue.   The resources on this page can help guide editors and boards through the process.

Some things to consider when starting a new journal:

  • What is the journal’s purpose?  What unique niche will it fill?
  • What is the administrative structure of the journal?  Editorial board?  Advisory board?
  • What standards will you use to judge articles for inclusion?
  • Who will do copy editing and proofreading?
  • What is the format of the journal?  Print, online, or both?
  • Is the journal going to be Open Access, available only by subscription, or a combination?
  • Where is the journal going to be hosted/printed?  Is there a Memorandum of Agreement (or Memorandum of Understanding) that spells out expectations for the journal and the host/printer?
  • Who and when will obtain the journal’s ISSN?
  • What are the terms for the journal’s publication agreements with authors?
  • How will the journal be funded initially?  How will funding for the journal be sustained?
  • How will you recruit peer reviewers?
  • How will you solicit content?
  • How will you advertise your journal?

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