OJS (Open Journal System) is the most widely used article publishing system in the world that complies with academic publishing standards. The system encompasses all individuals who can be involved in the publication of academic journals and their authorities (author, reviewer, editor, reader, etc.). It stands out with features such as accepting articles, reviewing, assigning reviewers, reporting results, and publishing.
If you want to learn all the processes from scratch to a professional level about OJS (editorial, section editing, reviewer assignment, article publishing, site management, etc.) and want to manage your journal smoothly, this training is for you…
The training content is as follows.
The training content can be adjusted according to requests.
Training Duration: 4 hours
Training Method: Online (Training is conducted remotely via Zoom application)
Table of Contents
General Information
Chapter 1: Introduction
- Background
- OJS Features
- What’s New in OJS 3
- Reader Interface
- Editorial Interface aka the Dashboard
Chapter 2: Journal Standards
Chapter 3: User Accounts
- Roles in OJS
- Registering with a Journal
- Viewing and Changing your Profile
- Resetting your Password
Chapter 4: Site Administration
- Site Management
- Administrative Functions
Chapter 5: Settings
- Journal Settings
- Website Settings
- Workflow Settings
- Distribution Settings
Chapter 6: Issues
- Future Issues
- Back Issues
Chapter 7: Users and Roles
- Users
- Roles
- Site Access Options
Chapter 8: Tools
- Import/Export
- Statistics
Chapter 9: Authoring
- Registering with the Journal
- Submitting an Article
- Responding to a Review
- Re-submitting for Review
- Responding to a Copyediting Request
- Responding to a Proofreading Request
Chapter 10: Editorial Workflow
- Tasks
- Submissions
- Review
- Copyediting
- Production