Indico Installation Service
If you need assistance with installing and setting up Indico, our team is here to help. We have extensive experience in deploying Indico in various environments, ensuring a smooth and efficient installation process.
Indico Installation Service includes:
- Assessment of your requirements and system compatibility
- Installation and configuration of Indico software
- Database setup and optimization
- Integration with existing infrastructure
- Testing and troubleshooting
Indico Compatible Server Service
To ensure optimal performance and compatibility with Indico, it’s essential to have a server environment that meets the necessary requirements. Our Indico Compatible Server Service provides you with tailored server solutions designed specifically for Indico.
Key Features of Indico Compatible Server Service:
- Server assessment and recommendations
- Server provisioning and setup
- Operating system configuration
- Security hardening and optimization
- Monitoring and maintenance
About the Indico
Full conference lifecycle
Indico will help you organise your conference from the beginning. From registration and abstract submission to the final papers, conference materials are stored within the system and made available to participants from the event web page. We’ve got it all covered, even participant badges!
Events of different complexity
In Indico you can organize all kinds of events. It provides workflows that let you easily manage small seminars and meetings as well as more complicated workshops and conferences. Indico will aggregate and store all events of your institute. You can quickly have a look at the events that are happening this week, or search for a specific keyword.
Hierarchical Protection Scheme
Indico was built with a large organisation in mind (CERN). This is why events are organised using a hierarchy of categories and protection of resources at several granularity levels. Different roles can be defined within an event as well. From small schools to large enterprises, Indico is the intuitive solution for organised and secure event storage.
Room Booking Module
Companies, research institutes and universities often have the need to manage their rooms and keep track of their usage. Indico provides a flexible room booking module that allows for the delegation of room management capabilities, approval of bookings, management of audiovisual equipment and many other things, always in a transparent and intuitive way.
Integration with Collaborative Tools
Web-driven meetings are great, but video-conferencing makes them even more productive. Indico seamlessly integrates with Zoom, allowing participants to connect with a single click.