Choosing the Ideal Infrastructure and Hosting for Open Journal Systems (OJS)

Open Journal Systems (OJS) is a widely used open-source software designed for managing and publishing academic journals. To ensure smooth operation and optimal performance, selecting the right infrastructure and hosting environment is crucial. In this article, we’ll explore the key hosting and server requirements for OJS, offering insights from a professional perspective.

OJS Server Requirements

To run OJS efficiently, your server must meet certain fundamental requirements. Below are the minimum and recommended specifications:

Minimum Server Requirements:

  • Operating System: Linux (Preferred) or Windows
  • Web Server: Apache 2.4+ or Nginx
  • PHP: 7.3+ (PHP 8.0+ is supported only for OJS and above)
  • Database: MySQL 5.7+ / MariaDB 10+ or PostgreSQL 8.0+
  • Disk Space: Minimum 500MB (scalable as your journal grows)
  • RAM: Minimum 500MB, recommended 1GB+

Recommended PHP Modules:

To fully utilize OJS’s features, ensure that the following PHP modules are installed on your server:

  • php-xml
  • php-curl
  • php-mbstring
  • php-mysql (or php-pgsql for PostgreSQL)
  • php-intl
  • php-json
  • php-gettext

Key Considerations When Choosing Hosting for OJS

When selecting a hosting provider for OJS, several critical factors must be taken into account to ensure compatibility, performance, and scalability:

OJS Compatibility:
First and foremost, verify that your hosting provider supports OJS’s specific requirements. Some general hosting services may not support the necessary PHP versions or modules, which could lead to operational issues or limit OJS’s functionality.

OJS demands high-performance servers, particularly for journals with high traffic. Opt for hosting plans that offer SSD storage and adequate RAM to handle your journal’s needs. These features can significantly enhance loading times and ensure a seamless user experience for both editors and readers.

Security is paramount for any digital platform, and OJS is no exception. Choose a hosting provider that offers essential security features such as SSL certificates, firewalls, and daily backups. These measures help protect sensitive data and maintain the integrity of your journal.

Technical Support:
Opt for a hosting provider that offers technical support with expertise in OJS. This is vital for quickly resolving any issues that may arise, whether during installation, upgrades, or day-to-day operation.

As your journal grows over time, it’s important to have the flexibility to scale your resources. Choose a hosting provider that allows for easy resource upgrades, such as increasing disk space or RAM, without causing downtime or disruptions to your journal’s availability.

Additional Considerations for Optimal OJS Hosting

Backup Solutions:
Frequent and reliable backups are a must, ensuring that your journal data is safe and can be restored in case of technical failure. Look for hosting providers that offer automated backups with easy restore options.

CDN (Content Delivery Network):
For journals with an international audience, incorporating a CDN can enhance the speed at which users access your journal by distributing content across multiple global servers. This improves load times and reduces latency for users in distant regions.

Compliance with GDPR and Other Data Regulations:
Ensure that the hosting provider complies with relevant data privacy regulations such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), particularly if your journal caters to audiences or authors from the EU.

Uptime Guarantees:
Select a hosting service that guarantees high uptime (99.9% or higher), ensuring that your journal remains accessible to readers, authors, and editorial teams at all times.


Selecting the right hosting environment for OJS is essential for ensuring the smooth operation, security, and growth of your academic journal. By focusing on compatibility, performance, security, and scalability, you can create an optimal infrastructure that supports your journal’s goals and offers a seamless experience for all users.

For OJS-compatible hosting, infrastructure, and professional consulting services, visit OJS Services. We provide expert support for journal setup, OJS upgrades, hosting, and ongoing technical assistance to ensure your OJS installation runs smoothly and efficiently. Let us handle the technical details so you can focus on what matters most—publishing high-quality research.

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