Many users of Open Journal Systems (OJS) encounter the error “The tar command is not available” […]
In Open Journal Systems (OJS), when an author initiates the submission process but doesn’t complete it, […]
Open Journal Systems (OJS) is an open-source software that facilitates the article management and publishing processes […]
Quick Submit Plugin: The QuickSubmit plugin permits Journal Managers to quickly enter submissions through the OJS […]
Toggle Required Metadata Plugin: This plugin allows to make the “ORCID”, “Affiliation”, Biography Statement” fields required […]
This plugin creates an XML file for importing (indexing) journal issues into the Index Copernicus International […]
Slider Home Plugin for OJS/OMP 3.3.0 Slider Home Plugin Author: Carola Fanselow, Ronald Steffen About This […]
ojs xml support for articles
The options below assume that the paper has been accepted for publication, it already has a […]
This plugin adds a new OAI-PMH metadata format that complements theĀ  OpenAIRE Guidelines for Literature Repository […]
This file consists of 8 themes compatible with OJS 3.3+. All are free OJS themes. It […]
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