If you are encountering one of the following errors, the OJS update will fix the errors.

Update Report (from OJS to : You can see the “New Features” and “Bug Fixes” in the below

OJS Update Service

Upgrade of OJS to version has completed successfully.

Release Notes

OJS 3.3.0 Release Notes
Git tag: 3_3_0-14

Release date: February 3, 2023

Configuration Changes

See config.TEMPLATE.inc.php for a description and examples of all supported
configuration parameters.

- An allowed_hosts option was added to protect against HOST injection attacks.
  We recommend configuring this setting! See "Recommended Configuration" in
  docs/README.md for details. (https://github.com/pkp/pkp-lib/issues/7649)
- The proxy configuration settings have changed. Please review the [proxy]
  section in config.TEMPLATE.inc.php and adapt your settings in config.inc.php
  as needed.
- The db.persistent option for persistent database connections has been removed.
- The db.collation option for configuring a database connection collation has
  been added (default: utf8_general_ci)
- New config.inc.php parameters added for OAuth-based SMTP authorization:
  (see https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/wiki/Using-Gmail-with-XOAUTH2)
  - email.smtp_authtype: See PHPMailer's AuthType setting
  - email.smtp_oauth_provider
  - email.smtp_oauth_email
  - email.smtp_oauth_clientid
  - email.smtp_oauth_clientsecret
  - email.smtp_oauth_refreshtoken
- The setting general.session_samesite (default value: Lax) has been added to control the "SameSite" setting for the session cookie.
- The setting security.force_ssl, when enabled, will also set the "Secure" flag for the session cookie.

3.3.0-14 Build
	#2135: Improve password reset to use one-use, time-limited hash
	#4087: Make revision files available for selection at Copyediting stage
	#5697: Permit "edit galley" form to be viewed after publication
	#6340: Session/cookie management improvements
	#6611: When importing Apache logs: "issue/view/xxx/yyy" will yield "invalid issue" error and break import process
	#6875: Publishing / posting blocked for users with both Section editor assignment and a Journal Manager role
	#7337: Accepting a review assignment can modify the submissions' active stage
	#7369: Other languages required when they shouldn't be
	#7496: Empty Email Variables on System Emails
	#7635: Add CSV monograph report to OMP
	#7642: upgrade to 3.3 from 3.0.2 fails because submission_galley_settings table already exists
	#7690: Add PHP8.1 testing to Travis environment
	#7709: [OPS] Editorial Activity statistics are inaccurate
	#7783: Role settings page broken in OPS on PHP 8.1
	#7836: Author who is also an editor can see reviewers' names in the discussion
	#8193: Back-port PHP8.1 compatibility to stable-3_3_0
	#8287: Web feed plugin doesn't send the right content-type
	#8317: ThemePlugin: Unable to retrieve array options
	#8318: Site-wide search returns results for journals that have publishing disabled
	#8339: Announcement feed plugin fatal error with PHP 8.x
	#8340: Indicate institutional subscription price on purchase form
	#8372: Crossref: do not display empty element contributors
	#8378: Resolve static call error message accessing reviewer one-click link
	#8386: The stable branch isn't synchronizing the submodules
	#8394: Translations do not respect the loading order of locale files
	#8397: Cancelled reviews are included in a reviewer's "active" review count
	#8399: OAI Error with full url query due to reference warning notice
	#8411: Spell checker doesn't work at administrative pages
	#8442: UI bug on editorial activity's date filter
	#8455: [OJS] Reviewer cannot download file
	#8466: Undefined constant error when downloading all files from submission file list
	#8502: Stop reading text for search indexing in 4096 byte blocks
	#8511: Controlled vocabularies are being URL decoded at input time
	#8518: Update npm packages
	#8527: error when trying to open tab New Review Round under Review stage
	#8541: Bug in UPLOAD_MAX_FILESIZE calculation in stable-3_3_0
	#8579: DataCite export error with PHP8.1
	#8587: Consider new resourceType JournalArticle in DataCite XML

3.3.0-13 Build
	#8299: Use helper method in galley grids
	#8307: Validate author IDs against submissions/publications

3.3.0-12 Build
	#7190: Issues with the NativeImportExportPlugin
	#7310: Adding reviewer does not include required country field for created user.
	#7330: Images aren't handled correctly on the front end of HTML galleys in versioned articles
	#7373: Set httpOnly flag on session cookie
	#7485: ArticleReportPlugin shows metadata in the submission's locale instead of the current locale
	#7528: Crossref deposits fail when surname is missing
	#7546: PKPAuthor::getLocalizedGivenName() falls back to default locale when none provided
	#7595: Valid special characters are stripped from DOI suffix
	#7705: Files not selected for promotion by default
	#7893: Submission wizard form allows entry in languages not supported by submissions
	#7894: Recommend-only option disappears when looking for editors to assign
	#7914: Enable external access to the plugin URLs for private journals
	#8007: The ACron plugin isn't reloading the scheduled tasks when a plugin is enabled/disabled
	#8035: initData hooks not fired in SeriesForm and CategoryForm
	#8041: Error when adding a Note in the "Activity Log & Notes"
	#8042: Send email to Reviewer fails
	#8048: Can't upload review files when in submission workflow
	#8055: Stage participants API request fails
	#8059: Unexpected error message after trying to close modal window
	#8067, #8068, #8069: Can't upload/select when in submission's Copyediting workflow
	#8086: Subscriptions belonging to users with no country set are not included in the subscription report
	#8107: NativeImportExport plugin references OMP
	#8119: Remove duplicated locale keys
	#8137: XML import fails with error: Submission file added to review round that does not exist
	#8187: Site and journal titles not escaped in back-end template
	#8189: incomplete_count calculation does not account for cancelled review assignment
	#8202: PKPAuthorForm: required locale for author metadata is UI instead of submission locale
	#8241: Auther full name exposed to reviewers via editorial descision email templates in double blind review
	#8247: One-click Reviewer Access provides full access to reviewer account
	#8266: Wrong German translation for username variable

3.3.0-11 Build
	#2169: Mailing Address should not be required in settings
	#6209: Multiple use of id="setup-button" in website settings
	#7317: CSV user export includes roles from other journals
	#7604: Add ability to include user/context with CLI request
	#7651: Fatal error when trying to load PKPXMLParser
	#7716: Hide DB password in the administration "system info" page
	#7739: Improve multimodal publishing with OJS
	#7744: Ensure email template variables are properly filtered
	#7751: Error if on private site password protected
	#7773: Import XML missing filesize attribute to file node causes confusing fatal error
	#7776: Configuration parameters get truncated if they are too long
	#7793: Allow for plugins to describe support for fuzzy or wildcarded versions
	#7794: Fix download filenames when encoded into content headers
	#7816: Fatal error when deleting a submission
	#7820: OJS: PHP Fatal error:  Declaration of SubmissionChecklistForm::initData($args) must be compatible with Form::initData()
	#7828: Submission files and db entries are not deleted after being rejected during upload process
	#7861: Fix fatal error with pickier PHP release and array_intersect
	#7864: Full title in page title and DC.Title
	#7881: User verification process failing with internal exception
	#7895: fatal error when thanking a reviewer
	#7930: Ensure umask is respected in file creation
	#7935: Stop using deprecated fgetss() function
	#7943: Typo in getUsersWithNoRole query
	#7958: 3.3.0 installs a locale column in the publications table that should have been removed

3.3.0-10 Build
	#7749: Resolve upgrade issue with latest 3.2.x ORCID profile plugin
	#7739: Add MIME type hint for Javascript files

3.3.0-9 Build
	#7649: Add support for limiting allowed hosts
	#7685: Add Authorization header support to API interactions
	#7580: Fatal error when importing XML article in PHP8
	#7681: Add Publication object to publication forms so hooks can use it
	#7664: Fatal error when trying to delete section
	#7654: admin page does not refresh when removing a context
	#7613: Keyword auto complete not working while submitting a preprint/book/submission
	#7471: Upgrade optimizations: submission locales, submission event logs, delete old revisions
	#7538: Task list is not sorted with most recent tasks at the top
	#7474: WMV files are downloaded as ASX files in Firefox
	#7607: Dublin Core subject tag only shows last keyword when more than one keyword entered
	#7620: DataCite plugin form CSRF error
	#7506: Unable to Upload/Select Files from Copyediting stage (fix ineffective)
	#7594: Submitted Competing Interest data can go missing
	#7605: Submission wizard asks for languages that are not enabled
	#7371: Add missing CSRF checks
	#7266: Assigned articles missing from future issues after upgrade to OJS 3.3.0-8
	#7596: No access granted for non-expiring subscription
	#7590: Resolve custom issue ordering error with PostgreSQL on publish
	#7213: No email is sent when creating a new announcement
	#7549: Author submission dashboard shows wrong version number
	#7552: Typo in deprecated ArticleHandler::downloadSuppFile()
	#7534: Cancelling or unassigning a reviewer who is also an editor should restore editor's access to submission
	#7509: Stage assignments permit metadata to be edited through the API even when permission has been revoked
	#7510: Possible to publish a submission in the review stage
	#7284: Missing rights for internal reviewer to download files.
	#7475: Issue table of contents has extra margins on homepage
	#6122: Recommend By Similarity Plugin doesn't work as expected
	#7453: Activity Log fails to load when a file has been uploaded to a discussion message that was deleted
	#7450: tasks cannot be marked as read/unread or deleted
	#7419: Retrieving publications in alphabetically ordered category when changing language
	#6991: Slow queries on the user management page
	#7407: Error when searching for a keyword in a language not enabled in the UI
	#7217: Default user search does not include username
	#7420: Left-to-Right (LTR) languages have UX issue on forms
	#7378: Resolve reflected XSS issues
	#7363: Cancelled review assignments included in count of active reviews
	#7344: CSS file mimetype not correctly recognized
	#7168: Unable to pick a year in the advanced filters of the search form
	#7277: Discussion participants include declined open reviewers
	#7275: Can't upgrade to 3.2.x on PHP 8 due to use of get_magic_quotes_runtime
	#7236: Copyright info not published using quicksubmit plugin
	#7267: Allow period/full-stop in url paths
	#7281: Redundant and not escaped special characters in locale files
	#6828: New sections added to an Issue can't be custom ordered if the issue has already been custom ordered
	#4904: Update log handling to ensure metrics are calculated correctly across versions
	#5740: "Galleys" section doesn't load

3.3.0-8 Build
	#7240: Cancelling a discussion sometimes leaves an empty placeholder
	#7232: Link to report broken in report plugins
	#7214: OAI resumption token empty after first page of results
	#7194: ImportExportPlugins do not export PubIds via ScheduledTaskTool
	#7181: Provide OJS/OMP/OPS version number when requesting plugin gallery list
	#7174: ReCAPTCHA proxy is misconfigured
	#7152: Journal path of "files" has unexpected behaviour
	#7138: OJS don't replace the galley postfix in the url
	#6986: HTML entities displayed in journal title by citationStyleLanguage plugin

3.3.0-7 Build
	#7121: Call to undefined function create_function
	#7109: Use keywords (and subjects) in DataCite export
	#7108: The pubIds plugins not loaded for CLI in ImportExportPlugins
	#7102: Language parameter user.authorization.journalDoesNotPublish does not exist.
	#7098: Custom email templates lost upon changing language configuration
	#7093: Error in XML Schema for Import/Export
	#7090: Warning in administration interface about latestVersionInfo
	#7078: Dropzone.js causes upload timeouts on large files
	#7076: ReviewFormElement::getMultipleResponsesElementTypes() cannot be called statically
	#7071: PostgreSQL error upgrade from 3.1.2 to 3.3.0-6
	#7015: PayPal payment fails for amounts greater than 999
	#7004: Document the REST API endpoints for announcements
	#6944: User search phrases should match against the user's preferred name field
	#6898: Diacritics are stripped from filenames when downloading
	#6747: List of journals inside the Dashboard in unsorted
	#6469: Exporting users "Slim application error"
	#5971: Medra Issue export does not validate against XSD

3.3.0-6 Build
	#6986: HTML entities displayed in journal title by citationStyleLanguage plugin
	#6979: [OJS] Unassigned submission list not working
	#6962: OAI resumption tokens never delivered
	#6956: mEDRA Export: PHP Fatal error after upgrade
	#6953: Replace getCCLicenseBadge static calls with instance calls
	#6952: Remove file naming test from the shared library
	#6949: Issues can be served by ID in the wrong journal
	#6938: Email templates can not be saved because of data from disabled locales
	#6931: Clear issue object DOIs does not delete publication DOIs
	#6909: mEDRA: the calculation of the file size is different for issue and article galleys
	#6898: Diacritics are stripped from filenames when downloading
	#6887: Crossref status check errors in 3.3.0-x
	#6772: Upgrade from 3.2 to 3.3, All Journal custom block become same from last journal custom block
	#6683: Ordering of sidebar blocks changed upon visiting the settings form

3.3.0-5 Build
	#6910: Use proper identification when issuing HTTP requests
	#6892: View more accessible button label is broken in 3.3
	#6888: Ensure Composer dependency test/example code is safe
	#6886: crossrefReferenceLinking plugin: consider all references settings
	#6879: Site settings not visible for usage statistics plugin when only one context exists
	#6873: Saving the Website - Appearance - Setup form auto-focuses on Homepage Image Alt Text field
	#6872: Article links broken after update to 3.3.0-4
	#6871: Session destruction (and duplicate) warnings in the PHP error log
	#6870: SQL logic error in upgrade when using PostgreSQL
	#6862: Author name is not localized in How-to-Cite citation
	#6757: Supported form locales can be serialized as associative array

3.3.0-4 Build
	#6860: Make submission deletion more accepting of missing files
	#6857: Add error handling for nonexistent reviewer access
	#6852: [OJS 3.3] Crossref export fails with unexpected ORCID error
	#6847: Call to undefined method SubEditorsDAO::getBySectionId() in Series.inc.php:271
	#6844: Bump pdf.js to v2.6.347
	#6824: TinyMCE can overwrite public images in other contexts
	#6808: Untranslated locale key notification.type.submissionNewVersion in new version notification email
	#6803 #6807: OAI "earliest datestamp" is always now
	#6801: Links to dependent files referenced in HTML/JATS XML galleys are broken
	#6800: Backend Favicon defaults to PKP logo Hosting
	#6798: Fatal error when removing announcement types
	#6793: Updates to a customised journal stylesheet (css file) are not reflected in the HTML source
	#6784: Crossref validation error when the author only has a given name
	#6780: Wrong nesting in pkp-lib/templates/frontend/pages/navigationMenuItemViewContent.tpl
	#6768: Access denied when clicking on "Administration" menu
	#6762: Access denied for journal editor when adding new file in Request revisions dialog
	#6761: Non-HTTP(S) links entered into rich editor fields become page-relative
	#6753: Force validation of "https://" for ORCID IDs in user profile.
	#6752: Incompatibility with PHP 8.0: mb_substitute_character() no longer supports passing empty string
	#6751: Upgrade failure with PHP 8.0: conflicts with XMLParser class
	#6750: Plugin search in gallery misbehaving
	#6748: Cannot create Announcements: General error: 1364 Field 'setting_type' doesn't have a default value
	#6743: Review files pointing to non-existing submission file may break upgrade to 3.3
	#6741: Validation errors are not displayed when uploading files during submission
	#6731: Failed assert warning in Section settings page
	#6703: Unable to upgrade Call to a member function getConnection() on null
	#6663: HTML galley does not pick up the dependent CSS
	#6563: Authorization header with JWT can cause fatal error
	#5844: Enable rich text in site-wide "About" field
	#5365: OAuth for Gmail Access
	#4834: Re-add "blind copy reviewers on editor decision" feature

3.3.0-3 Build
	#6726: Privacy statement page error 500
	#6722: Monograph export as native xml fails
	#6718: SECURITY: Revisit Update Illuminate Database library for GHSA-3p32-j457-pg5x (#6632)
	#6710: Upgrade to fails when a journal has no supportedFormLocales
	#6703: Unable to upgrade Call to a member function getConnection() on null
	#6643: Lack of notifications after the author uploads revisions
	#6563: Authorization header with JWT can cause fatal error

New Features
	#2493 #6264 #6093: Replace ADODB toolset with Illuminate/Database
	#4017 #6536: Send an email to all users with a specific role
	#4796: Filter email templates by workflow stage
	#5181 #5182 #5183 #5184 #5185 #5986 #5187 #5188 #5189 #5619 #5917 #6038: Accessibility improvements
	#5275: Provide averages for editorial statistics
	#5388: Submission keywords are not indexed/searchable
	#5540: Date formats should allow different configurations for each language
	#5565: Allow editors and editorial assistants to preview an article before it is published
	#5702: Ability to disable submissions
	#5865: Refactor backend UI
	#5963: Replace FileWrapper with 3rd-party implementation (Flysystem)
	#5982: Filter submissions by assigned editor
	#6054: Add a filter by assigned issue to submission lists
	#6057: Improve file upload during submission
	#6097 #6175 #6223: Introduce Guzzle for HTTP client abstraction
	#6146: [OPS] Allow submission search by ORCID ID
	#6181: Support text directionality in TinyMCE for RTL languages
	#2993: reCaptcha not working from China
	#5642: Add CSV-based user export

Bug Fixes
	#490: Fix open access notification
	#2773: Restore use of browser history for tabbed navigation
	#3572: Remove OJS 2.x upgrade tools
	#3933: Issues with pages related to subscription
	#3948: webfeed Plugin rss2 missing XML namespace and date time issue
	#4220: Add BOM (byte order mark) to fix UTF-8 in Excel
	#4414: Context path property creates conflict when disable_path_info is enabled
	#4895: Use inclusive terminology
	#4915: Reviewers' identities visible to other reviewers in discussion
	#4930: Option to hide title of section from issue table of contents broke in default theme
	#4991: Add Category to article page
	#5090: Remove XML-based locale file fallback
	#5121: journals with no custom base_url ignored if at least one journal in an install has one when stats are processed
	#5185: Add autocomplete fields to registration and login forms.
	#5288: Performance issue using LIMIT and OFFSET in search users query
	#5408: Payments tab does not appear when payments are enabled in settings
	#5445: Test licenseUrl context setting
	#5592: Block plugins and cacheing problem
	#5610: Minimal Wording Changes for Emphasis on Preprints
	#5772: Add upgrade script to reset array keys for context locales
	#5819: Unable to revert "Reject" decision
	#5843: User object in payment records for past users null
	#5856: Review Form not getting the correct title and description
	#5863: Access alert for Submissions with Pre-review discussions of Editorial Team
	#5869: Clean up plugin installation error handling
	#5878: Review and improve PluginRegistry
	#5948: Write integration tests for unpublishing an issue
	#5954: Redirect fails when urlPath has been changed
	#5961: enabling crossrefReferenceLinking (even master branch) makes doi disappear
	#5984: Suggested improvements for About this Publishing System page
	#6000: Undefined const SCHEMA_PUBLICATION during upgrade
	#6006: DOI/Crossref Cypress Tests
	#6007: User roles can be passed to the browser as an object instead of array
	#6008: PHP Notice when compiling LESS from a theme plugin
	#6011: Imported submissions throw off editorial statistics
	#6021: Crossref plugin not receiving title metadata in most recent 3.2.1 testing.
	#6022: PostgreSQL upgrade to 3.2.0 resets all submissions to unpublished
	#6026: Submission deletion can delete author records in other submissions
	#6029: Report Generator doesn't return any results when custom range is selected with a single day
	#6033: Announcements can be viewed even when disabled
	#6035: Plugin install does not work across filesystems
	#6041: License override formatting error
	#6043: Notice about no section editors appears even when section editors exist
	#6056: Version number showing Publication ID for authors
	#6058: Unread notifications aren't being shown on the front-end
	#6060: If a title prefix is given for a single locale, it is shown with all article title translations
	#6064: Text color does not respond to background color selection on mobile
	#6067: Submission Checklist - Reordering doesn't save
	#6084: Announcement emails sent blank after upgrade
	#6085: Editorial report email with wrong locale
	#6095: Include OJS-specific user agent with version number in CrossRef exchanges
	#6096: DB field type TEXT is cutting off long content
	#6102: Submission::getSectionTitle doesn't return any value
	#6105: Allow capital letters in context urlPath
	#6107: "Omit the title of this section from the issue's Table of Contents" section option does not work
	#6111: SQL typo in "browse by authors" feature
	#6115: Enable "download all files" in production ready files grid
	#6120: OMP Internal Review queries are placed in External Review
	#6134: The statistics notification is sent to roles that have no access to the interface
	#6145: Move Report Generator out of Tools
	#6148: Error for custom blocks in side bar due to automatic name addition
	#6165 #6168: Announcement notification issues
	#6183: Sitemap does not include articles
	#6184: Can't use array values in theme options
	#6189: Problem when submitting reviews
	#6196: Fix test/build for changed Google closure compiler installation process
	#6203: Revenge of the edit links
	#6206: Ensure stage in URL matches file ID
	#6207: Ensure that served articles are matched against the request's context ID
	#6212: Quick Submit Plugin notification error problem
	#6213: Error in upgrade from OJS 3.1.x to 3.2.x on submissionSubject (controlled vocabulary) data
	#6226: CSRF checks missing from import/export plugin upload bounce requests
	#6229: Subscription end dates are not inclusive
	#6234: Authors should not see the overdue reviews warning in submission lists
	#6246: Let iframe use relative URL instead of absolute
	#6259: copyrightHolder should be assigned as localized data
	#6262: Broken catalog page in OMP with PostgreSQL
	#6265: New sample file for Native Import/export
	#6269: Submission Hyperlink
	#6276: QuickSubmit Plugin: Keywords in a non-primary locale can’t be deleted
	#6284: During upgrade to 3.3 email templates' stage_id is populated before being created
	#6300: PHP warning with cancelled reviews
	#6301 #6321: Add indexes/optimize SQL for performance
	#6320: [OJS] CAST AS CHAR i postgres
	#6330: Lens Galley XML views not tracked in usage statistics
	#6331: Native citations import doesn't break citations string into single citations
	#6337: Foreign key constraint error during upgrade in review_round_files.submission_file_id
	#6350: Problems with enabling/disabling usage event and usage stats plugins from plugin grid
	#6359: Submission files migration does not update item_views
	#6370: Migration fails upon changing item_views.assoc_id from varchar to bigint
	#6381: Remove OJS-specific considerations from pkp-lib
	#6382: Resolve PHP warning: SubmissionFileEventLogDAO::getById vs EventLogDAO::getById
	#6387: Restore keywords tests
	#6390: Issue filter leads to fatal error
	#6391: Confusion when article assigned to issue but not scheduled for publication
	#6392: Create and delete discussion leads to fatal error
	#6393: Author can not access review stage
	#6396: Editor can not share files to be reviewed with reviewer
	#6397: Use display() instead of fetch() to pass front-end templates to Smarty
	#6399: Can not add or edit a category
	#6405: cannot create an issue galley
	#6406: Unable to pick a year in the advanced filters of the search form
	#6408: User-facing category page is inaccessible
	#6409: Payments menu does not display when enabled
	#6411: Datacite plugin not up to date : different credentials for test site vs prod site
	#6414: error when creating a counter AR1 report
	#6418: Fix test scripts for MySQL 8.x
	#6419: Publication APC Fee indication not present
	#6420: Institutional Subscription: failure to add IP-range
	#6421: Dependent file upload fails when confirm revision is detected
	#6422: ONIXCodelist retrieval fails when running under Windows server
	#6426: PHP server freeze and constraint violation when creating/editing issues
	#6429: Export users to CSV form loads all user groups
	#6439: Adding new roles
	#6441 #6442 #6444 #6447 #6448: DOI plugin setting issues
	#6451: Can not change journal's primary language
	#6457: Disentangle beacon and upgrade warning disables
	#6458: Discussions Grid produces a warning
	#6462: Inconsistency in JWT (API key) encoding/decoding
	#6467: "Reload defaults" for language invalidates $contextPath variable in "for authors", "for readers", etc.
	#6478: Remove use of Google Font CDN
	#6482: Section editor can upload to unassigned review round
	#6483: Default theme exceeds viewport width in some cases
	#6495: Incorrect URLs in default context settings
	#6502: Missing files break issue table of contents generation
	#6503: OAI _getRecordsRecordSet sql query becomes very slow in larger sites
	#6509: User subscriptions page is inaccessible
	#6510: Non-expiring institutional subscription can't be added
	#6512: web_cache = on does not work in OJS 3.2
	#6516: Removing a nav menu item causes an error
	#6529: Author can not upload revisions when decision is to resubmit for review
	#6542: [OMP] Fix pull forward of submission stages files into Internal Review
	#6548: User issue payment unlocks issue globally for users who aren't logged in
	#6559: Can't mark task notifications as "New" or "Read" or "Delete"
	#6564: Changing Journals in multiuser OJS throws a 404 error
	#6566: move mEDRA plugin to its own repository, accessible via plugin gallery
	#6594: Site-wide fall-back for the privacy notice in Admin > Site Settings not displaying properly
	#6615: Submission files referencing nonexistent submissions break upgrade to 3.3
	#6616: pkp/pkp-lib#6615 Remove submission_files entries that don't correspond to existing submissions
	#6620: WebFeed plugin missing restriction to published content
	#6621: Remote galleys are broken
	#6625: two entries in the oai interface after removing a submission from TOC and rescheduling it again
	#6232 #6632 #6378: Update 3rd-party dependencies
	#6633: Entering a space in journal path breaks site
	#6634: Block names aren't being updated to the lowercase during OJS upgrade
	#6638: The fileStages filter of the submission files API is ignored for managers
	#6654: The cancel button at the "Change Password" has no purpose
	#6668: Public message when not accepting submissions is confusing
	#6671: no router object when executing scheduled tasks
	#6681: GET request to /contexts API endpoint causes 500 error

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