This file consists of 72 plugins compatible with OJS 3.3+
It is prepared for those who cannot install and update plugins through the OJS administration panel.
When OJS is first installed, 48 plugins are included.
There are 72 (48+24) plugins in this package.
It will be enough to move the zip file into the plugins folder of your OJS journal web site, and extract the zip file.
If you look at the jounal management panel, you will see that 72 plugins are installed.
All are up-to-date (December 2021) and hassle-free add-ons.
Tested in OJS version
Download ALLinONE OJS Plugins
Plugin Name | Description |
Dublin Core 1.1 meta-data | Contributes Dublin Core version 1.1 schemas and application adapters. |
Announcements Block | This plugin provides sidebar announcements. |
Browse Block | This plugin provides sidebar “browse” tools. |
“Developed By” Block | This plugin provides sidebar “Developed By” link. |
Information Block | This plugin provides sidebar information link. |
Keyword Cloud Block | This plugin provides a tag cloud of article keywords. |
Language Toggle Block | This plugin provides the sidebar language toggler. |
“Make a Submission” Block | This plugin provides a sidebar block with a “Make a Submission” link. |
Most Read” Block | This plugin shows most read objects in the sidebar. |
Subscription Block | This plugin provides sidebar subscription information. |
Resolver Plugin | This plugin resolves issues and articles based on citation information. |
Acron Plugin | This plugin attempts to reduce the dependence of the application on periodic scheduling tools such as ‘cron.’ |
AddThis Plugin | This plugin provides the addThis social media sharing for submissions. |
Announcement Feed Plugin | This plugin produces RSS/Atom web syndication feeds for journal announcements. |
Authors History | This plugin adds a tab in the preprint view, where all submissions from the contributors are filled |
Backup Plugin | This plugin generates a backup of the installation. |
Scopus/Crossref Plugin | This plugin shows the total number of citations and a “cited by” article list from Scopus and/or Crossref. |
Citation Style Language | Allow readers to get a published article’s citation in one of several formats supported by the Citation Style Language. |
Control Public Files | Limit who can upload public files and what kind of files they can upload. |
Crossref Reference Linking | This plugin submits article references to Crossref when a DOI is registered and automatically displays DOIs for references found in Crossref’s database. |
Custom Block Manager | This Plugin lets you manage (add, edit and delete) custom sidebar blocks. |
Custom Locale Plugin | This plugin enables customization of the default user interface text used by OJS and OMP. |
Dates Plugin | Add submitted, accepted and published dates to article landing page. |
Default Translation Plugin | This plugin enables the display of English text when the current UI language is lacking a translation of that text. |
DRIVER | The DRIVER plugin extends the OAI-PMH interface according to the DRIVER Guidelines 2.0, helping OJS journals to become DRIVER compliant. |
Dublin Core Indexing Plugin | This plugin embeds Dublin Core meta tags in article views for indexing purposes. |
Forthcoming Articles Plugin | This plugin supports ahead of print publishing in OJS. |
Google Analytics Plugin | Integrate OJS with Google Analytics, Google’s web site traffic analysis application. Requires that you have already setup a Google Analytics account. Please see the Google Analytics site for more information. |
Google Scholar Indexing Plugin | This plugin enables indexing of published content in Google Scholar. |
HTML Article Galley | This plugin provides rendering support for HTML Article Galleys. |
eLife Lens Article Viewer | This plugin provides rendering support for JATS XML galleys using eLife Lens. |
OJT Rocket Plugin | Reduce load time to your Journal site |
ORCID Profile Plugin | Allows for the import of user profile information from ORCID. |
PDF.JS PDF Viewer | This plugin uses the pdf.js PDF viewer to embed PDFs on the article and issue galley view pages. |
Plugin update notification | This plugin generates a notification whenever an update to a gallery plugin is available |
Recommend Articles by Author | This plugin inserts a list of articles by the same author on the article abstract page. |
Recommend Similar Articles | This plugin adds a list of similar articles to the article abstract page. |
Static Pages Plugin | This plugin allows Static Content Management. |
Text Editor Extras | Add controls to the rich text editor to upload images, manipulate the HTML code, and add tables. |
TinyMCE Plugin | This plugin enables WYSIWYG editing of textareas using the TinyMCE content editor. |
Usage event | Creates a hook that provides usage event in a defined format. |
Usage Statistics | Present data objects usage statistics. Can use server access log files to extract statistics. |
Web Feed Plugin | This plugin produces RSS/Atom web syndication feeds for the current issue. |
CrossRef XML Export Plugin | Export article metadata in CrossRef XML format. |
DOAJ Export Plugin | Export Journal for DOAJ. |
DataCite Export/Registration Plugin | Export or register issue, article, galley and supplementary file metadata in DataCite format. |
Native XML Plugin | Import and export articles and issues in OJS’s native XML format. |
PubMed XML Export Plugin | Export article metadata in PubMed XML format for indexing in MEDLINE. |
QuickSubmit Plugin | One-step submission plugin |
Users XML Plugin | Import and export users |
MARC Metadata Format | Structures metadata in a way that is consistent with the MARC format. |
MARC21 Metadata Format | Structures metadata in a way that is consistent with the MARC21 format. |
RFC1807 Metadata Format | Structures metadata in a way that is consistent with the RFC1807 format. |
DC Metadata Format | Structures metadata in a way that is consistent with the Dublin Core format. |
Manual Fee Payment | The manager will manually record receipt of a user’s payment (outside of this software). |
Paypal Fee Payment | Payments will be processed using the PayPal service. |
DOI | This plugin enables the assignment of the Digital Object Identifiers to issues, articles and galleys in OJS. |
URN | This plugin enables the assignment of the Uniform Resource Names to the issues, articles and galleys in OJS. |
Articles Report | This plugin implements a CSV report containing a list of articles and their info. |
COUNTER Reports | The COUNTER plugin allows reporting on journal activity, using the COUNTER standard. These reports alone do not make a journal COUNTER compliant. To offer COUNTER compliance, review the requirements at the Project COUNTER website. |
Review Report | This plugin implements a CSV report containing a list of review assignments for a journal. |
Subscriptions Report | This plugin implements a CSV report containing a list of subscriptions and their info. |
View Report | This plugin implements a CSV report describing readership for each article. |
PKP Usage statistics report | PKP Default usage statistics report (COUNTER ready) |
Academic Free Theme ver 3.3 | Academic Free Theme by |
Basic Child Theme | This theme is an example of a child theme of the default theme. |
Bootstrap 3 Base Theme | A starter Bootstrap 3 theme for the reader frontend. |
Classic Theme | An OJS theme that plays on colour and font contrasts based on literary classics’ book design and featuring a starkly contrasting black header and brand coloured-footer. |
Manuscript (Default child theme) | A clean, simple theme with a boxed layout that mimics a paper document. |
Default Theme | This theme implements the default theme. |
Material Theme | This theme implements the material theme. |
Pragma Theme | A minimalist OJS theme inspired by early periodicals’ tables of contents featuring a bold use of a monochromatic colour palette. |
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