Introduction: DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a unique identifier used in academic publications, datasets, software, and […]
Determining standardized content types (article types) is crucial in the publication and management process of scientific […]
One of the most significant indexes for open access journals is the Directory of Open Access […]
Academic publishing serves as a cornerstone in the dissemination of knowledge and the advancement of scholarly […]
In Open Journal Systems (OJS), when an author initiates the submission process but doesn’t complete it, […]
At OJS-Services, we specialize in providing a range of services, including installation, updates, and troubleshooting for […]
Introduction: In the academic realm, the rapid sharing and publication of scientific research are crucial for […]
In the academic world, the shareability and accessibility of knowledge are fundamental elements to encourage information […]
Open Journal Systems (OJS) is a powerful open-source software for academic journal management. However, OJS users […]
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