Dear Journal Editors and Publishers, Academic peer-reviewed journal publishing plays a crucial role in the scientific […]
A Meeting is an Indico event in which you can include Minutes, in addition to all the other rich […]
This is a complex event with many features, including Programme definition and Call for Abstracts, Abstract […]
A Meeting is an Indico event in which you can include Minutes, in addition to all the other rich […]
OJS 3.4 brings forth a range of notable enhancements and new features aimed at improving the […]
Open Journal Systems (OJS) is an open-source software that facilitates the article management and publishing processes […]
If you’re planning to submit your journal to the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) index, […]
Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases are specialized information resources that index and abstract academic and scholarly […]
As a journal owner, it’s important to understand the significance of index databases and be well-prepared […]
Deciding whether to update your OJS journal system to version 3.3 depends on several factors. Here […]
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